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KENANGAN : Rekor Jumlah Penonton , Final Divisi Utama Psms vs Persib era Perserikatan 1985

Harian kompas dan majalah tempo menulis pertandingan yang harus diselesaikan melalui adu tendangan penalti tersebut disaksikan oleh 150.000 penonton , sementara tabloid BOLA menulis final diskasikan lebih dari 125.000 penonton.


14 MARET 2015 sejak dinihari tadi, seperti yang sudah diperkirakan.....status mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun PERSIB yang ke-82 menjadi hal yang jamak di berbagai media sosial, Jauh sebelum trend media sosial merajalela beberapa tahun belakangan ini sebenarnya ritual selamat-selamatan ini pun telah terjadi dikalangan bobotoh yang memiliki akses untuk mengekspresikan rasa suka citanya

Genetika Real Madrid Dan Chelsea Pada Persib

Genetika berasal dari kata serapan bahasa Belanda: genetica, adaptasi dari bahasa Inggris: genetics, dibentuk dari kata bahasa Yunani: γέννω, genno yang berarti “melahirkan”. Adalah cabang biologi yang mempelajari pewarisan sifat pada organisme maupun suborganisme (seperti virus dan prion)


Bagi masyarakat Sunda atau Jawa Barat, siapa yang tidak mengenal nama Prabu Siliwangi. Raja Pajajaran yang identik dengan Harimau Putih itu dikenal sebagai salah satu raja sakti yang pernah dimiliki oleh negeri Pasundan (Jawa Barat). Nama Prabu Siliwangi sendiri sesungguhnya adalah nama lain dari Pangeran Pamanah Rasa


Sebelum bernama Persib, di Kota Bandung berdiri Bandoeng Indische Voetbal Bond (BIVB) pada sekitar tahun 1923. BIVB ini merupakan salah satu organisasi perjuangan kaum nasionalis pada masa itu. Tercatat sebagai Ketua Umum BIVB adalah Mr. Syamsudin yang kemudian diteruskan oleh putra pejuang wanita Dewi Sartika, yakni R. Atot.

Rabu, 04 Februari 2015

Adolf Hitler in Islam and the Dead in Indonesia ?

Of the many available information about the death of Hitler, no one can mention exactly what causes the death of the Nazi dictator.

How does the end of Hitler's adventure?

Is it true that Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide after taking poison cyanide?

So how the Americans when the autopsy of Hitler's skull was exhibited in 2000, which turned out to be the skull of a woman?

Where is the actual existence of Hitler after the fall of Berlin in the hands of the allies?

Some versions About death
The most popular version says that Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself and the way drinking cyanide on 30 April 1945, when Germany occupied by the Soviet Union.

Although some historians doubt Hitler shot himself, and figured it was just a Nazi propaganda to make Hitler as a hero.

However, the hole in the skull fragment seemed to strengthen the argument when the skull was exhibited in Moscow in 2000. How and when Hitler died have still shrouded in mystery.

Explanation of the cause can be found and when Hitler died of multiple versions. There is a German version of the death, the Russian version, and the version of the researchers or scientists.

German version, as told by Flegel, one of the nurses Hitler and other Nazi officials while in the bunker.

Russian version, which is expressed by a high official of the Russian secret service, the KGB, who claimed that Adolf Hitler did not end his life by shooting himself, but by drinking cyanide.

As stated by Lieutenant General Vasily Khristoforov, archives staff for the Russian FSB security service, "military Paramedia Soviet Union when it was sure that Hitler and Eva Braun died after minimal cyanide on 30 April 1945."

Version of the scientists, the last is the general opinion in this case represented by the scientists. Actually been a long time scientists and historians claim that the piece of skull that had been taken from outside Hitler's bunker by the Russian Army and Soviet intelligence had been kept it would be conclusive proof that shot himself to death after drinking a cyanide pill on 30 April 1945.

Finally performed DNA analysis on the skull piece by American researchers, and they stated, "we knew the skull was related to a woman aged between 20 and 40 years," said Nick Bellantoni archaeological expert from the University of Connecticut, USA, quoted from Dailymail.

"The bone seemed very thin, skeleton men tend to be stronger. And the junction where the skull plates fused appear to be associated with someone who is younger than 40 years. Hitler in April 1945 aged 56 years. "

With the results of the DNA test, meaning the history of Hitler's death became a mystery again, and conspiracy theorists should rethink other possibilities about the death of Hitler, like maybe Hitler did not die in the bunker.

Overview About Adolf Hitler
Regarding childhood, adolescence, up to when it became a dictator, Hitler is a minor child who was rejected, his father hated him and mengenggap behavior "antisocial" as a curse.

His father was a hard to educate a child, being mother (Klara) very good to him. Childhood suffused with hatred of his father is having a big hand in the formation of mental and psychiatric Hitler as adults.

When life is hard, World War 1 broke out. Without hesitation Hitler enroll into the army with the rank of Corporal, served on the battlefield in the front row. Disappointed with the defeat of Germany in World War 1, and see the country and its people are poor and starving, Hitler entered into a Labour Party member who became the NSDAP (Deutsche Arbeiter Partei National Socialistische). In 1920, Hitler became Head of Propaganda, where the talent seen Hitler in the field of speech and agitation.

One year later, in 1921, Hitler eventually became party chairman.

Finally, in 1962 Hitler get the absolute authority of the party.

And Hitler was a great orator "lion podium", an orator who can hypnotize a mass audience.

Hitler was a powerful politician and managed to build a successful imaging through propaganda. He managed to build an opinion becomes a powerful force that is successful through propaganda.

He managed to build an opinion becomes a powerful force to be feared. He also managed to build as fuses or opinion leaders who can be trusted people, bringing the nation to the height of glory.

Evidence Hitler in Indonesia

How does Hitler get to Indonesia? could become a citizen? How he worked as a doctor at the General Hospital of Sumbawa Besar? and up to the meeting Hitler with a Sundanese woman who eventually became his wife?

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Also on the testimony of Dr. Sosro Husodo when meeting with Hitler when in Sumbawa Besar. And all of them equipped with supporting documents and photographs are accurate. 
Hitler is known to be very violent in the 20th century, was hiding in Indonesia from 1954 to 1970, which was captured by the Allies (U.S., Soviet Union, Britain and France) were further investigated by the Israeli government constantly chasing the leaders Nazis.

In 1954 Adolf Hitler into Indonesia by using a fake name, Dr. Poch.

At first Dr. Poch stay in Dompu then moved to Bima, Sumbawa then moved to Great, then worked as a doctor at the General Hospital of Sumbawa Besar. The entire population of the island of Sumbawa familiar with this doctor, which is on the call by the nickname "German doctor".

One legacy of Adolf Hitler died on January 15, 1970 in Surabaya, the small brown notebook size of 9 × 16 cm to 44 cm thick.

In the book written dozens address book of friends and colleagues Hitler the same, as in the history of Europe.

Similarly, handwriting made dibuku-book is very identical and similar to Hitler's handwriting.

This book has a very great significance, because it is one of the authentic evidence which states that "Dr. Poch" is god-Nazi, Adolf Hitler. Then Hitler met a girl named Sulaesih being menggembara to Sumbawa Besar, who eventually proposed by Hitler.

Not long after Dr. Poch apply Sulaesih, he converted to Islam in 1964, which was witnessed by Chairman of the Office of Religious in Sumbawa, (but unfortunately Sulaesih forgot his name) and changed his name to Abdul Kohar. In 1965, Hitler became married.

Aries Zulkarnain, one witnesses the presence of Dr. Poch in 2010 and said the doctor had two opposite personalities, the grumpy yet often joke with people.

"He's grumpy, many prescribe to mouth [mention the name of the drug], but if anyone asks again, he said, I've already told you," said Aries.

Poch also be upset if patients call their illnesses. "Are you a doctor?," Said Aries, which often mimicked snapping Poch said. Added Aries, his who he knew also humorous. "Not afraid to joke with people," he said.

The most prominent of Poch, said Aries, is the way to drive a Jeep hood opening.

"The streets of Sumbawa first not good, but he drove with one finger. Excellent, "said Aries. "It was a sign that he was a former soldier," added Aries. Although never thought that Poch was Hitler, Aries people claimed he predicted the former Nazi soldier.

"He's very energetic, look at all his army. Residents when it was thought he was a former Nazi soldier, "he explained.

Previously, in the Daily Mind in 1983 there is an article about Hitler. The author named Dr. Sosrohusodo, University of Indonesia medical graduates who had served on the ship that made the hospital named 'Hope' in Sumbawa Besar.

Dr. Sosrohusodo recounts meeting with an old German doctor named Poch on the island of Sumbawa Besar 1960. Poch is the chairman of the largest hospital on the island. The man suspected of Hitler.

Evidence presented Sosrohusodo, is that the doctor can not run normally. He was always dragging his left leg when walking. Then his hand, said Sosrohusodo, German doctor left hand always shaking. He also had a similar vertical Charlie Chaplin mustache and a bald head.

This condition is believed to be similar to the picture of Hitler in his old age, which is found in a number of biographies of the Fuhrer. When I met him in 1960, the alleged 71-year-old Hitler.

According Sosrohusodo, a German doctor he met a very mysterious. He did not have a license to be a doctor, even he did not have the expertise on health. Sosro admitted to checking the left hand of his who is always vibrating. When asked when these symptoms begin to occur, Poch then asked his wife who then said, "This is when the German defeat in the battle near Moscow. At that time, Goebbels told you that you beat the table many times, "said Sulastri.

Sulastri already know about the incident from a few years ago, because her husband has been telling the events of the past to him.

Goebbels called Poch suspected wife was Joseph Goebbe, German propaganda minister, known loyal to Hitler.

Sosro said, Poch's wife, Eva Braun allegedly, several times calling her husband 'Dolf', which allegedly stands for Adolf Hitler.

Hitler Dead in Indonesia
Recognition Hitler to his wife from Indonesia, Sulaesih, that he is indeed the real Hitler, Der Fuhrer. What are the activities of Hitler before he died?

There Stanlin statement, that the dead in Hitler's bunker in Germany is not the original. And the final section tells how to end the dictator's death in Indonesia.

Adolf Hitler in 1960 in the island of Sumbawa During Hitler's death was very mysterious, because there were no witnesses that can show where the bodies were Hitler or Eva Braun's corpse, his last wife at the time in Europe.

At the Potsdam Conference in 1945, Stanlin stated that the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun was not found. Stanlin suspect, god of the Nazis escaped and fled to Spain or Latin America.

And before long there were suggestions that Hitler's escape using a submarine to the island. But nobody knows what and where the island.

The international community did not realize that a very cruel Nazi leader was hiding safely in Sumbawa Besar, to death in Surabaya and buried in a common grave in Ngagel Muslims.

Embraced Islam
Before marriage, like a visit to the home Sulaesih "Dr. Poch", he often saw an older women, according to dr. Poch she is his wife, the Germans also named Helena. But Sulaesih not believe because Helena looks much older than dr. Poch.

When Helena wants to go back to Germany because it does not fit with the climate in Sumbawa Besar, he left amahan to Sulaesih.

He entrusts Gi (call dr. Poch, short for Georg Anto / GA), please be handled all needs. "Maybe it means I should be married to dr. Poch, "said Sulaesih.

Shortly after dr. Poch apply Sulaesih, he converted to Islam in 1964, which was witnessed by Chairman of the Religious Affairs Office in Sumbawa, but unfortunately Sulaesih forget his name, and changed his name to Abdul Kohar. In 1965, Hitler married with Sulaesih, from Bandung Sundanese woman who wanders into the island of Sumbawa, they both marry a Muslim.

A year after dr. Poch embraced Islam in 1965, when Sulaesih was working, there is a call to KUA (Office of Religious Affairs), "What?" Sulaesih wondered to myself. Previously I do not know what's wrong when I got to KUA, "said Esih.

Sulaesih finally married at the age of 34 years, while the dr. 64-year-old Poch. Although closed to within 30 years, did not prevent them from marrying.

Sulaesih finally no longer working in Local Government, but with dr. Poch patient care and care of the household.

Death of German dictator, Adolf Hitler committed suicide believed in a bunker, on April 30, 1945 in Berlin, is still questionable and remains a mystery.

Anyone who witnessed the events in the bunker when Hitler committed suicide? No, the source of the story just by word of mouth. And at that time, although no clear evidence and witnesses, the allies remained officially announced that Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun had died. Most former Nazi soldiers to move and escape to the countries in South America such as Brazil and Argentina. Hitler already knew the problem was, so she did not want to go to South America because it would be found by the U.S. military and intelligence and intelligent enemy countries.

While Hitler's escape rather than to the South American country, but rather to Indonesia through Italy, he chose Indonesia because Indonesia had always been no diplomatic relations with Israel. Also in the past at the time of Sukarno's leadership, Indonesia is not like imperialism spearheaded by Britain and America.

The bodies of Hitler and his wife

Indeed, during the Hitler allegedly fled to a country in the south. One of the locations mentioned as a hiding place is Indonesia, which is also believed by prof. Arysio Santos (Nuclear Physics expert and geologist Brazil) as 'the lost Atlantis'.

Even the Nazis searching for Atlantis to the South Pole. The legend of Atlantis is close to the Nazi religion, therefore Hitler was looking for it for a long time.

Sulaesih widow after being abandoned by Hitler In Indonesia also, Madame Blavatsky is Master occultists Hitler, also lived in Indonesia.

His name was first immortalized as the name of the street, now renamed Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, where the lodges of Freemasons 'Eastern Star' once stood.

Coupled with the presence of a mysterious tomb in Surabaya believed to be the grave of Adolf Hitler.

Various clues did lead to it. Moreover Brandenburgers Codex, a manuscript of ancient Germany, discovered and indicate if indeed Hitler fled to Indonesia.

So, it is not impossible Hitler died in Indonesia. Because Indonesia is considered a safe place, for Hitler. Please anyone to find the real answer.

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